101 Would You Rather Questions Examples to Cheer Up Your Meetings

Katy Mrvova

If you’ve got an upcoming meeting where you know you’ll need to break the ice, then asking your co-workers a ‘would you rather’ question is the way to do it.

Also known as ‘this or that’ polls, ‘would you rather’ polls present people with a conundrum that’s hard – or hilarious – that they have to answer. Then, you can discuss why they answered it that way.

You can do this via a polling tool like Slido.

The more head-scratching the question, the better! You’ll engage your meeting participants right off the bat and make them energized before you get to the core of your meeting.

For your inspiration, we’ve collected these 101 best ‘would you rather’ or ‘this or that’ poll questions for you. All safe for work – pick your favorite ones!

  1. Hard would you rather questions
  2. Deep would you rather questions
  3. Food-related would you rather questions
  4. Travel-related would you rather questions
  5. Work-related would you rather questions
  6. Pop culture would you rather questions
  7. Funny would you rather questions

Hard would you rather questions

#1. Would you rather time travel back to the past or to the future?

#2. Would you rather be able to read minds or be invisible?

#3. Would you rather have your browser history revealed before your company CEO or one of your parents?

screenshot of slido multiple choice poll depicting a would you rather poll question

#4. Would you rather be able to meet your great-great-grandmother/father or your future granddaughter/grandson?

#5. Would you rather take cold showers every day or eat cold meals every day?

#6. Would you rather live without music or movies for the rest of your life?

#7. Would you rather be a president/prime minister or a royal?

#8. Would you rather have a fast bike or a slow car?

#9. Would you rather always be 10 minutes late or always be 20 minutes early?

#10. Would you rather have the ability to understand every language or be able to talk to animals?

#11. Would you rather be always overdressed or underdressed?

Slido multiple choice poll example of a would you rather question

#12. If you had to choose only one to keep at your home – would you rather have a robotic vacuum cleaner or a dishwasher?

#13. Would you rather be fluent in all languages or be a master of every musical instrument?

#14. Would you rather win a Nobel Prize or an Oscar?

#15. Would you rather watch a movie or watch the sunset?

#16. Would you rather listen to your favorite song on repeat for a week straight or not be able to listen to your favorite song for a year?

#17. Would you rather compete in a summer Olympic sport or a winter Olympic sport?

#18. Would you rather have no sense of taste or be colorblind?

#19. Would you rather sleep only 4 hours a day or have to sleep 12 hours a day for the rest of your life?

#20. Would you rather give up bathing for a month or give up the internet for a month?

Create your own would you rather poll in Slido.
Sign up below and try it for yourself.

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Read also: The Best 110 Trivia Questions for Team Bonding Quizzes

Deep would you rather questions

#21. Would you rather be infamously known in history books for something terrible or be forgotten completely after you die?

#22. Would you rather be reincarnated as an animal or as a human again?

#23. Would you rather be transported permanently 500 years into the future or 500 years into the past?

a screenshot of Slido present mode depicting a multiple choice poll with a would you rather question

#24. Would you rather find 1,000 dollars on the ground or find something that you’ve once owned but lost some time ago?

#25. Would you rather know all the painful truths of the world or know nothing and live in blissful ignorance?

#26. Would you rather be world-famous but lose your privacy or be an unknown person?

#27. Would you rather lose the ability to read or lose the ability to speak?

#28. Would you rather be famous when you are alive but forgotten when you die or unknown while you are alive but famous posthumously?

#29. Would you rather go to jail for 4 years for something you didn’t do or get away with a crime you did but always live in fear of being caught?

#30. Would you rather live in a utopia as a common person or in a dystopia as a supreme ruler?

#31. Would you rather have dinner with Hemingway or Tolkien?

a screenshot of Slido present mode depicting a multiple choice poll with a would you rather question

#32. Would you rather listen to music always a little bit too loud or always a little bit too quiet?

#33. Would you rather have a rewind button or a pause button on your life?

#34. Would you rather be reincarnated as a sea creature or an airborne creature?

#35. Would you rather not speak for a year or not hear for a year?

#36. Would you rather be a kid your whole life or an adult your whole life?

#37. Would you rather go for dinner with someone from history or someone who’s alive and famous?

💡 Tip
Keep the results hidden while people are still voting – it’ll help you get unbiased answers. Show the results only when everyone has voted (you can follow the vote count).

Food-related would you rather questions

#38. Would you rather have to eat ketchup with everything from now on or mustard with everything from now on?

#39. Would you rather drink only water from now on or eat only salad from now on?

#40. Would you rather give up caffeine or give up soda drinks?

#41. Would you rather have everything that you eat a bit too salty or not salty enough?

#42. Would you rather never eat your favorite food for the rest of your life or only ever eat your favorite food?

#43. Would you rather give up pizza or give up ice cream?

#44. Would you rather drink only tea from now on or only coffee from now on?

#45. Would you rather give up vegetables or give up fruit?

#46. Would you rather have to grow your own food or sew all your clothes?

#47. Would you rather eat only Japanese food from now on or only Italian food from now on?

#48. Would you rather eat everything with a spoon from now on or with fork from now on?

#49. Would you rather eat only desserts or never be able to eat desserts?

#50. Would you rather have a lifetime supply of delicious food or books?

💡 Tip
Good facilitation is key in order for these questions to hit their mark. Comment on the results and drive a discussion around them. Turn to your more vocal colleagues first to share how they voted to encourage others to share as well. Collect opinions on each side of the spectrum – it will keep the conversation going.

Travel-related would you rather questions

#51. Would you rather spend the rest of your holidays by the sea or in the mountains?

#52. Would you rather live in the Arctic or in the Sahara Desert?

#53. Would you rather travel the world with your enemy or not travel the world at all?

#54. Would you rather have to move cities every year (and never return) or never be able to leave the city you were born in?

#55. Would you rather travel the world for a year on a shoestring budget or stay in only one country for a year but live in luxury?

#56. Would you rather visit a new country every year but only for a week or spend a holiday in the same country every year for 3 weeks?

#57. Would you rather space travel to Mars or to the Moon?

#58. Would you rather be a captain of a ship or an airplane pilot?

#59. Would you rather find yourself on a deserted island or lost in the jungle?

#60. Would you rather have unlimited international first-class tickets or never have to pay for food at restaurants?

#61. Would you rather live in a treehouse or on a boat?

#62. Would you rather be on an airplane between two people arguing or sit next to a screaming child?

💡 Tip
Do you run recurring meetings? You can start a tradition and ask one ‘would you rather’ poll question at the beginning of every meeting.

For example, our Head of User Research, Neil Sharman, starts each of his Friday meetings with one thought-provoking WYR question. In time, people started to expect it and look forward to what sort of question he will come up with next.

Would you rather questions for work

#63. Would you rather all your future meetings be online or face to face?

#64. Would you rather go for a fully paid business trip every month or never go on business trips but have that money paid in cash?

#65. Would you rather have a company car or be sent on business trips every month?

#66. Would you rather work in an office where there’s no dress code or one where you have to wear fancy clothes?

#67. Would you rather be liked by your boss but not by your co-workers or liked by your co-workers but not by your boss?

#68. Would you rather work full time from the office or full time from home?

#69. Would you rather get three solid months of vacation or get one day off every week?

#70. Would you rather bike or drive to work?

#71. Would you rather have a terrible boss but a great job or a great boss but a terrible job?

#72. Would you rather work an extra hour but get an hour of break time or work with no breaks but leave an hour earlier?

#73. Would you rather commute two hours to your dream job or live two minutes from a mediocre job?

💡 Tip
Use ‘would you rather’ questions to enhance your storytelling. Before revealing a plot twist or a development of events, ask your audience how they would deal with the situation. Read more about this technique here.

Pop culture would you rather questions

#74. Would you rather listen to the Spice Girls ‘til the end of your life or to the Backstreet Boys?

#75. Would you rather be like Benjamin Button or Josh Baskin (from the movie ‘Big’)?

#76. If you lived in Middle Earth, would you rather be an immortal elf but live quite a boring life or be a mortal hobbit but have fun all your life?

#77. Would you rather your skin be blue like a Smurf or green like Shrek?

#78. Would you rather spend a day cooking with Gordon Ramsay or playing tennis with Serena Williams?

#79. Would you rather play Chewbacca or Darth Vader?

#80. Would you rather live in a Lord of the Rings universe or Star Wars universe?

#81. Would you rather be friends with Batman or Spiderman?

#82. Would you rather give up social media or give up TV shows?

#83. Would you rather star in a romantic comedy or a horror movie?

#84. Would you rather be a pirate or a ninja?

#85. Would you rather be a rockstar from the 60s or the pop star of today?

#86. Would you rather be a member of a girl band/boy band or a solo singer/musician?

Read also: 7 Interactive Poll Ideas for Your Next PowerPoint Presentation

Funny would you rather questions

#87. Would you rather have nightmares with clowns or with spiders/snakes?

#88. Would you rather have 2 meter long legs or 2 meter long arms?

#89. Would you rather your life be made into a movie or a book?

#90. Would you rather have an IQ of 180 but be a misfit or have average intelligence but be popular?

#91. Would you rather have a tail or horns?

#92. Would you rather have a dog with a cat’s personality or a cat with a dog’s personality?

#93. Would you rather only wear one color each day or have to wear seven colors each day?

#94. Would you rather have a flying carpet or be able to ride a dragon?

#95. Would you rather babysit 5 kids at once or walk 10 dogs at once?

#96. Would you rather write a book about your life or shoot a movie about it?

#97. Would you rather be able to perform magic or be able to fly?

#98. Would you rather have a name everyone misspells or a name everyone forgets?

#99. Would you rather have no hair on your body whatsoever or have hair all over your body?

#100. Would you rather have to make a one-minute speech in front of 10,000 people or walk through the main square of your town naked?

#101. If you were to replay your life events as a music album, would you rather play them on shuffle or from beginning to end?

Read also: 7 Awesome Quizzes for Your Virtual and Hybrid Meetings

Over to you

We hope that you’ve found these ideas inspiring and that you’ll use some of these ‘would you rather’ questions to engage your participants before your meetings.

If you want to explore more ice-breaking activities, check out this article with 35 remote-friendly icebreakers or this list of 80+ best poll questions.

With Slido, you can easily create a would you rather poll using a multiple choice poll with two options. Read more about how to use and facilitate polls in this article.

Don’t have a Slido account yet? Sign up below and create your first ‘would you rather’ poll!

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